
Netus et malesuada fames ac. Eget gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis.

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C2J Avocats is a registered
training organisation

C2J Avocats is a registered training organisation, (number 11752138175). and we regularly organise individual and group training sessions for both our clients and professional bodies. The topics and structure of our training programmes are tailored according to your specific needs and requests.

We offer training in the following areas :

The duration of the programme is flexible, lasting from a few hours to a day. Our programmes can be conducted either on your premises or in our own offices.

labour law
  • Regular updates on labour law news and current events
  • Technical aspects concerning labour law and raising awareness of HR teams or managers with regard to specific topics, such as working hours, salary equality, daily management of employer-employee relations, etc.
criminal business law
  • Liability risks for the corporation and its manager and delegated manager
  • Acquiring the best reflexes with regard to criminal risk
  • Managing criminal charges for harassment
labour/criminal law: cross-cutting training
  • Management of claims related to psychological harassment or on-the-job suffering
  • Temporary re-assignments: employer’s obligations in the case of secondment, with regard to civil, administrative and criminal sanctions
corporate and business law
  • Essential clauses in contracts
  • Contract management : establishment and control of your contracts during their life cycle
  • Contract transfer in the event of transfer of the business
  • Legal and tax structuration related to the purchase of a business
  • Shareholders’ agreement : the main clauses to negotiate