Employment law and social security
Individual and collective labour relations
We assist you throughout all employment contracts and in your relations with the staff representatives.
- Individual and collective dispute settlement: execution and severance of employment contracts, discrimination, harassment
- Specific clauses in the employment contract: non-competition clauses, terms of payment
- Working hours: establishment and change management, daily rate
- “CSE” (comité social et économique) Works Council, Group Works Council: establishment and renewal of membership, management of regular and occasional consultations, (information, consultation, etc).
- Disputes concerning professional elections
- Collective agreements: negotiation, drafting, denunciation
- Employee saving schemes: incentives and profit-sharing
health and safety at work
We assist you in controlling health and safety risks.
- Risk prevention and management
- Audit, counsel and drafting of mandatory documents (“DUER” document unique d’évaluation des risques – unique risk evaluation document –, prevention plans, safety protocols)
- Prevention and management of psycho-social risks
- Assistance in interactions with the works doctor, “CARSAT” (caisses d’assurance retraite et de la santé au travail) retirement and occupational health funds, Labour Inspectorate
- Work-related accidents and occupational illnesses
- Assistance in relations with the “CPAM” (Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie) national health insurance office: reservations, investigations, employer’s report
- Challenge to the accident/illness declaration
- Litigation in the case of gross misconduct (faute inexcusable)
Working with the corporate law team, we manage the social aspects of all operations involving restructuring, transfers and acquisitions.
- Management of transfer of employment contracts and the collective status in the context of transfers, acquisitions and reorganisations,
- “PSE” (plan de sauvegarde de l’emploi) redundancy plans, collective dismissals: Strategy, negotiation, drafting
- Secondment, mobility
managing executives
C2J Avocats supports managing executives and expatriate executives as they determine their status and advises them during all negotiations
- Concurrent holding of a corporate office and an employment contract: negotiations, drafting, GARP report
- Secondment and expatriation
- Negotiated departure